Saturday, June 02, 2007


Ketti, Dorson and Cameron came to Minnesota for Graduation. The Jackson men made Ketti and Chrissy Mother's Day breakfast, despite limited resources; our house was packed up ready for our move to California.
We made it through school...
With a happy baby...
As a happy family... daddy graduated! Now he can bring home the bacon.

Graduated from the University of Minnesota with a Master in Healthcare Administration


The Bluths said...

Ok ok back up! You moved to California? What part? I was wondering where an In N out burger was in Minnesota. :) What happened to Marshall's head? Congrats on graduating!

Devony said...

Wow! Congrats! That's so exciting! Where in CA? We clearly need to talk...

Gina said...

YAY! I am so happy for you guys. Congrats and have fun in CALI!
"California, knows how to party..."

Chrissy, I LOVE your hair!