Sunday, August 31, 2008

New blog

We have a new blog address. We have officially outgrown our old address of Jackson Three as we have welcomed Clayton David Jackson to our family on August 30, 2008. Please see for future blogging.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Do as I'm doing.... follow, follow me

Marshall loves lawn mowers. When we lived in our apartment we would sit by the window each week to watch "The lawnmower guy". When I told Marshall that daddy was getting a lawnmower for our house, he became very excited. I decided to get Marshall a house warming gift... his very own bubble lawnmower.
He wants to do what daddy does.

Marshall really looks up to Corbett and both his Grandpas. I am constantly amazed at how observant he is at his male role models. In this clip he wants to do just what grandpa Record does.

Settling in Roseville, CA

Grandpa and Grandma Record came to help the "Jackson Three" get settled in our new home. They helped a lot with the yard. Our house has been unoccupied for a year, so there was a lot of overgrowth in the yard. Grandpa had more energy that all of us combined. He and Grandma filled about 16 large trash bags with green waste. This would have probably taken us a year to do ourselves with the baby coming. Thanks Record Grandparents for helping us.

Marshall likes to do what grandpa does.

Don't worry, he wasn't holding these for long.

Three generations- Grandpa Record, Marshall and Corbett

Marshall loves his new back yard. So did grandma after a long day of work.

Here is our growing family.

Marshall & Dad in the sprinklers


Here is the pregnant lady. This picture was taken a couple of weeks ago, so I am bigger now. I have 4 weeks left until our new little boy is born. We feel blessed that our move was before the baby was born.

The Jackson grandparents came to help us move on July 4th weekend. They were a big help. Here is Grammy and Marshall waiting for grandpa and Corbett to carry out the big heavy couches. "Big Truck" is a phrase that I heard Marshall say a lot during our move. Marshall loved riding in the Uhaul.

Look at these young, strong stallions.
Here is Grammy and Grandpa in our back yard right after Marshall squirted them with the hose. Marshall loves the water and wanted to share his love with his grandparents! He is a thoughtful boy.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Our big boy is growing up!

Marshall likes the big potty and the little potty and his "Cars" underwear.

Marshall has recently shown a lot more of his "independent side". We do what we can to use that to our benefit. He has become a good helper... as this video shows.

Ice Cream

Babbling Friends

Marshall and Michael on the playground.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Marshall, Water and Buckets

Hi, my name is Marshall and I love water!


Last week we had temperatures in the 80's. Marshall loved filling his buckets with water and pouring them on our porch.
Beep Beep!
Marshall and Corbett at the pool. OOH the benefits of apartment living!

Look at these whities... it must be genetic.

Train Musuem with the Records

The Records came to visit from San Jose for the day. Sammy and Marshall had fun at the train museum... its to bad our camera died and we didn't get many pictures of our cute Record cousins.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Weekend with the Record's

Sacramento Temple- Grandpa Record and Marshall
Grandpa and Marshall love water
Jackson three
Grandma Record taught Marshall the Easter story with eggs.

Easter Weekend

Marshall's first egg hunt.

Marshall collected eggs and rocks in his easter basket.

Grandma and Grandpa Record came for Easter. On Saturday we visited Sutter's Fort.

Grandma Record and Marshall at Sutter's Fort.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Marshall's 2nd birthday

Marshall has just recently been able to sit still enough to watch TV. We hope to use the media to our advantage... Elmo Potty Time!

Grammy added nicely to the Elmo theme with the Elmo slippers. It was so nice to have Grammy there.

Marshall was so excited to open his gifts. Ripping the paper was the exciting part for him.

Maybe he'll be a doctor or nurse someday???

Some may think this is strange, but Marshall's birthday cake was rice crispy treats. He is allergic to egg.

Ketti watched Marshall for the weekend while we went to Monterey. We figure that this would be the last time we could do something like this alone before the baby is born.

Here we are at Pebble Beach on the 17 mile drive.

Our Funny Boy

Grandpa Jackson came for a weekend to ski with Corbett in Tahoe. Before we got a chance to put the snowboard boots away, Marshall decided to try them on to see how they fit. He didn't get far walking in them.

Marshall likes to pick out his own clothes. He even looks trendy sometimes. Here he is sportin' the plaid shirt, church tie and navy coat.

Marshall likes crayons..... need we say more.

Chrissy's belly is growing. She's at 16 weeks!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Marshall and Chrissy visit Utah

Chrissy and Marshall went in a big airplane to visit Aunt Amy, Uncle Cameron and baby Amara in Utah. They got to see Amy's really cute new house, play in the snow, ride in the wagon, take naps, eat, change diapers, eat again, play, eat, play, eat and eat out at Famous Dave's. They also get to see Aunt Stacy and Uncle Jeff. They had lots of fun as you can see...

Marshall thought that the slide would be fun...until he landed on a pile of snow.... oww weee
We are training Marshall early to help and clean up. He shoveled all Amy's deck in less than 10 minutes. He is such a good boy.
Look at these cute cousins: Marshall and Amara.
Wagon ride!